Habakkuk 3:2 (HCSB)
LORD, I have heard the report about You;
LORD, I stand in awe of Your deeds.
Revive ‹Your work› in these years;
make ‹it› known in these years.
In ‹Your› wrath remember mercy!
We have heard of the Lord’s deeds, of His mighty acts, and His wonderful mercy. There have been those times when He has poured out His Spirit on mankind, at least to a degree. Those have been times of wonderful blessing. We certainly need one of those times now.
We live in scary days. The policy of our nation seems to be to abandon Israel and try to placate deranged lunatics like Ahmadinejad and Qaddafi. (At least our diplomats walked out on the Iranian leader—after they looked around and saw they were the only ones left! They’re probably unionized and it was break time.). You don’t reason with unreasonable men. When will the progressive elitists figure that one out?
Get off my soapbox!! I should probably delete that one. The point is, these are scary days. We are seeing the fading of America. We are conspicuously absent from end-time prophecy. Maybe this is it. Our influence will be so significantly diluted that we will not even be a player when the final events unfold. But, perhaps, it is not too late. Can I be an optimist for a moment?
Maybe we are there but the Scripture has been hidden from our eyes, as evidently it was from Daniel for seventy years.
We know that God is merciful. Even in wrath He remembers His mercy. If we call out to Him, and entreat Him on the basis of His goodness, maybe He will yet again do a work in us.
“Lord, You have done a good work here. We stand in awe of Your deeds! This is Your work. Remember Your goodness and mercy and revive Your work this year!”
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