Tuesday, June 9, 2009

June 9, 2009

They offer superficial treatments for my people's mortal wound. They give assurances of peace when all is war.

Jeremiah 8:11 (NLT)

This is an indictment against the prophets. They were putting Band aids on gunshot wounds. The people were living in rebellion against God, but the prophets would not call them to repentance. They instead gave encouraging assurances that all was okay. Perhaps they did this because they were afraid of losing their comfortable positions. They were even guiltier than the people they preached to.

I cannot help but ask, “What kind of prophet am I?” I am right now sitting in a comfortable chair in a comfortable home writing this. I pastor a wonderful church with wonderful people. In a little while I will drive my comfortable car to my modern church where I’ll meet with my highly efficient staff. Twice a month I receive a paycheck that allows me to provide for my family.

How attached am I to these things? Am I so comfortable that I am not willing to preach an uncomfortable message? Am I afraid of offending people and losing my position? Would I hesitate to preach the truth, even if it is an unpopular message? Have I “climatized” to my surroundings?

If so then I am not where God wants me to be. I am first, foremost and forever God’s servant. I must go where He tells me to go, do what He tells me to do, and say what He commands me to say. My obedience to God is essential. Sometimes this requires hurting the patient in order to effect their healing.

God help me to be faithful, for only then can I be helpful.

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