Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ready For Your Time

God began a process of trimming down the size of Gideon’s army. They started with 32,000 men. After the first test 22,000 went home. But 10,000 were still too many in God’s estimation.

Judges 7:2

The LORD said to Gideon, "You have too many people for Me to hand the Midianites over to you, or else Israel might brag: ‘I did it myself.’

God will not share His glory with man. He tested them again to get them down to number He wanted.

Judges 7:6–7

The number of those who lapped with their hands to their mouths was 300 men, and all the rest of the people knelt to drink water. The LORD said to Gideon, "I will deliver you with the 300 men who lapped and hand the Midianites over to you. But everyone else is to go home."

To kneel a soldier must put his face to the water. He is in a vulnerable position. But to lap a man does not have to face the water. He bends and brings the water to his mouth. This is a disciplined position. The soldier maintains diligence and keeps his eyes “peeled” for the enemy.

God was not trimming the numbers down to the worst, but to the best soldiers He had. If we are to be used by God we must be ready at all times, keeping ourselves prepared, and maintaining discipline. Only that soldier who has remained diligent will be ready when the signal sounds.

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