Thursday, March 18, 2010

David Hated by Saul

Saul realized that the LORD was with David and that his daughter Michal loved him, and he became even more afraid of David. As a result, Saul was David’s enemy from then on.

1 Samuel 18:28–29 (HCSB)

Where did I get the idea that if I lived for God I’d have no enemies? David’s enemy was the king of Israel!

Living for God is no guarantee that things are always going to go our way and everyone is going to love us and admire us. Jesus said, “You will be hated for My name’s sake.” There will be hated by some people for no other reason than the fact that people call us “Christians.”

The reality is that some people are going to hate you no matter what. In fact, it seems that people are more divided and vindictive today… or maybe I’m just imagining that. So, if people are going to despise you anyway, it seems best that they hate you for doing the right thing.

Don’t be a jerk. Saul hated David, but David did not return the sentiment. He simply went on about his business the best he could. Saul hated him because God blessed him. Let us live for God, do the best we can, and ask God to give us the fortitude not only to know and do the right, but to endure—and even love—those who despise us for doing it.

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